
Global Outlooks 2024

2023 was a grind, and navigating the scenarios we have seen has been challenging. However, the much heralded recession didn’t arrive and the resilience of economies was a pleasant surprise. With geopolitical concerns ongoing and even increasing, and higher inflation and interest rates still present, how do we see 2024 playing out?

Read and watch our thoughts from equities, fixed income, alts and RI point of view, and see what our Global Chief Investment Officer thinks might happen and where there may be opportunities.    

William Davies, Global CIO, on a potential slowdown and its possible impact on growth, divergent thinking from central banks across the globe, and his expectations for the coming year.

Where are the opportunities for fixed income investors in 2024? Our outlook video discusses two scenarios.

With macro risks elevated in 2024, equity investors should focus on company research as they consider their allocations.

Why Environmental, Social and Governance factors matter and putting client needs at the centre of everything we do.

Alternatives were not immune to some of the volatility in markets in 2023, but price dislocations mean that despite ongoing caution there is opportunity.

15 februari 2024

Joanna Tano

Head of Research, Europe, Real Estate (EMEA)

2024 Global Real Estate Outlook

What's in store for real estate in 2024? Global megatrends and financial conditions will impact returns and sector allocation.
Read time - 4 min
24 januari 2024

William F. “Ted” Truscott

Chief Executive Officer

For asset managers, a market share fight

Inflation has come down and things have turned out a lot better – economically – than many predicted at the beginning of 2023. Our CEO gives his thoughts on what’s in store for markets and asset managers in 2024.
Read time - 4 min
19 januari 2024

Claudia Wearmouth

Global Head of Responsible investment

Meer duidelijkheid en focus op financieel resultaat

In de 2024 Responsible Investment Outlook leggen we uit waarom milieu-, sociale en governancefactoren belangrijk zijn, hoe we het belang van klantenbehoeften prioriteren en bespreken we onze inspanningen op het gebied van actief aandeelhouderschap in 2024.
Leestijd - 4 min
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